Globally active full range provider
All-round care package –
everything from one source
Flexible solutions – short decision-making paths

Worldwide supply with TBSG
Your partner for supply, catering & equipment – worldwide
With a company history of 100 years TBSG is your competent partner for worldwide supply with German goods.
Our wide product range covers the demand for various product groups of numerous customers from a vast range of businesses.
You have questions?
Answers and counselling:
+49 421 39955-0
Product of the month

Whitewine Lugana Cà Dei Frati DOC, dry
0,75L, 13%
All-round care package
Full service from one source

TBSG helps as one of the first
Wir beliefern weltweit deutsche und europäische Hilfsorganisationen mit allen Produkten die in der humanitären Hilfe dringend benötigt werden. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, welche Organisationen von unserer Unterstützung profitieren.
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